ECMOFOBIA, porque 14 picadelas por dia deixam qualquer um ecmofóbico...

domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2015

Updated List of Practical Cure Research in Human Clinical Trials

This is the semi-annual review of T1D research in human clinical trials. The review identified 361 open trials that focus on T1D and only 11 initiatives have the potential to deliver a Practical Cure.
Over the three years that we have been tracking T1D projects in human trials, the story has remained more or less unchanged: there are very few Practical Cure projects. We strongly believe that more qualifying projects in human trials would significantly increase the chances of a successful outcome.
Since the last update in November 2014, there has been only small changes in the Practical Cure project list. The number of qualifying initiatives has moved from 8 to 11, with the addition of two new projects and one returning. The returning project, ATG/GCSF,recently started Phase II trials, after over two years of inactivity. No project has been removed since November.

The chart below lists the Practical Cure projects in human trials as of June 2015. A more detailed record of the Practical Cure research in human trials can be located on the website using the NCT numbers listed in the chart.

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