The Grove Glucometer is portable, battery operated, fits in a shirt pocket and requires absolutely no ancillary equipment (swabs, stylets, strips) required by blood-based instruments.
Grove’s patented technology uses light to measure real-time blood sugar (glucose) in less than 20 seconds, without blood, needles or pain.
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Grove has solved the technical challenges that have historically limited near-infrared (NIR) glucose detection – namely, water interference and low signal:noise ratio. Grove’s unique patented Optical Bridge takes care of both of these problems and allows detection of glucose with NIR light at a natural harmonic of its resonance frequency. Grove’s patented technology uses only very well perfused (high blood flow) sites – the fingertip or the earlobe. Grove’s technique also isolates the glucose signal to the blood compartment. Thus Grove’s glucometer uses neither an alternate site, nor an alternate fluid, rather, it gives a reading of real-time blood glucose, actionable for the management of diabetes. And it does it without pain, needles or a blood sample. The test takes less than 20 seconds – considerably less than it takes to prepare the site, lance the skin, and process a blood sample as all currently available devices require. Real-time blood glucose in less than 20 seconds – obtained with a completely noninvasive (uses only light!) Grove Glucometer. |
quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013
Grove Glucometer
Grove Instruments - How it Works
terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013
Exposição a químicos afeta sistema endócrino | ALERT® ONLINE - PT
Exposição a químicos afeta sistema endócrino | ALERT® ONLINE - PT
A exposição a desreguladores endócrinos, químicos presentes virtualmente em todo o lado e que interferem com o sistema hormonal, tem riscos para a saúde humana e o ambiente, dá conta um relatório divulgado por duas agências da ONU.
O relatório sobre químicos desreguladores endócrinos (QDE), realizado pelo Programa das Nações Unidas para o Ambiente (PNUA) e pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), conclui que é necessária mais investigação para se perceber melhor estes químicos, de que se conhece apenas "a ponta do icebergue".
“Precisamos urgentemente de mais investigação para obter uma imagem mais completa dos impactos para a saúde e o ambiente dos desreguladores endócrinos”, disse a diretora da OMS para a Saúde Pública e o Ambiente, Maria Neira.
A notícia avançada pela agência Lusa refere que em causa estão químicos que interferem com o sistema endócrino, cujo funcionamento regula a libertação de hormonas essenciais para funções como o metabolismo, o crescimento e desenvolvimento, o sono e o humor.
Alguns destes químicos ocorrem naturalmente, enquanto outros são sintetizados, podendo ser encontrados em produtos como pesticidas, equipamentos eletrónicos, produtos de higiene e cosméticos, assim como em aditivos e contaminantes encontrados em alimentos.
A exposição humana aos QDE pode ocorrer através da ingestão de alimentos, poeiras e água, assim como pela inalação de gases e partículas ou mesmo através do contacto com a pele.
De acordo com relatório, a exposição aos QDE está associada a problemas de fertilidade em jovens rapazes, cancro da mama nas mulheres, cancro da próstata no homem, assim como hiperatividade e défice de atenção em crianças.
Uma das maiores preocupações dos autores do relatório é a multiplicação de substâncias químicas presentes na vida quotidiana e o facto de o ser humano ter contacto com elas ainda antes de nascer.
"As crianças são as mais vulneráveis, mas a exposição começa no útero, o que pode causar problemas e doenças 20 anos depois da exposição fetal", disse Maria Neira.
"É hoje claro, de estudos em humanos, que estamos expostos a centenas de químicos ambientais ao mesmo tempo. É hoje virtualmente impossível examinar uma população não exposta em todo o mundo. As tendências indicam que há um peso crescente de doenças endócrinas em todo o globo em que os QDE terão um papel importante, e as futuras gerações também poderão ser afetadas", dá conta o documento.
ALERT Life Sciences Computing, S.A.
domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2013
LaserLeap, a seringa a laser
Não sei se poderá vir a ser utilizada para a administração de insulina, mas, seja como for, é uma excelente notícia!
sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013
quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013
Virtually Painless Injection -- Tutorial on the Injex System
Tem um adaptador para as canetas de insulina.
Mais informações em e, por cá, em
Mais informações em e, por cá, em
terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013
Reversal of Type 1 Diabetes by Engineering a Glucose Sensor in Skeletal Muscle
Reversal of Type 1 Diabetes by Engineering a Glucose Sensor in Skeletal Muscle
'Type 1 diabetic patients develop severe secondary complications because insulin treatment does not guarantee normoglycemia. Thus, efficient regulation of glucose homeostasis is a major challenge in diabetes therapy. Skeletal muscle is the most important tissue for glucose disposal after a meal. However, the lack of insulin during diabetes impairs glucose uptake. To increase glucose removal from blood, skeletal muscle of transgenic mice was engineered both to produce basal levels of insulin and to express the liver enzyme glucokinase. After streptozotozin (STZ) administration of double-transgenic mice, a synergic action in skeletal muscle between the insulin produced and the increased glucose phosphorylation by glucokinase was established, preventing hyperglycemia and metabolic alterations. These findings suggested that insulin and glucokinase might be expressed in skeletal muscle, using adeno-associated viral 1 (AAV1) vectors as a new gene therapy approach for diabetes. AAV1-Ins GK–treated diabetic mice restored and maintained normoglycemia in fed and fasted conditions for >4 months after STZ administration. Furthermore, these mice showed normalization of metabolic parameters, glucose tolerance, and food and fluid intake. Therefore, the joint action of basal insulin production and glucokinase activity may generate a “glucose sensor” in skeletal muscle that allows proper regulation of glycemia in diabetic animals and thus prevents
secondary complications. Diabetes 55:1546–1553, 2006'
'Type 1 diabetic patients develop severe secondary complications because insulin treatment does not guarantee normoglycemia. Thus, efficient regulation of glucose homeostasis is a major challenge in diabetes therapy. Skeletal muscle is the most important tissue for glucose disposal after a meal. However, the lack of insulin during diabetes impairs glucose uptake. To increase glucose removal from blood, skeletal muscle of transgenic mice was engineered both to produce basal levels of insulin and to express the liver enzyme glucokinase. After streptozotozin (STZ) administration of double-transgenic mice, a synergic action in skeletal muscle between the insulin produced and the increased glucose phosphorylation by glucokinase was established, preventing hyperglycemia and metabolic alterations. These findings suggested that insulin and glucokinase might be expressed in skeletal muscle, using adeno-associated viral 1 (AAV1) vectors as a new gene therapy approach for diabetes. AAV1-Ins GK–treated diabetic mice restored and maintained normoglycemia in fed and fasted conditions for >4 months after STZ administration. Furthermore, these mice showed normalization of metabolic parameters, glucose tolerance, and food and fluid intake. Therefore, the joint action of basal insulin production and glucokinase activity may generate a “glucose sensor” in skeletal muscle that allows proper regulation of glycemia in diabetic animals and thus prevents
secondary complications. Diabetes 55:1546–1553, 2006'
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013
quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013
JDRF and CIRM Increase Funding of ViaCyte
JDRF and CIRM Increase Funding of ViaCyte
'ViaCyte's innovative product is designed to deliver to patients immature pancreatic progenitor cells developed from a human embryonic stem cell (hESC) line; over time, these cells develop into mature pancreatic cells that are capable of producing pancreatic hormones, including insulin. These cells are encapsulated in a device that isolates the cells from the host but allows free flow of oxygen, nutrients, and other factors, so that the cells can respond to blood glucose and release hormones like insulin while being protected from the patient's immune system. The combination product is designated VC-01. The benefit of such a breakthrough would be the ability to provide a patient with a new source of insulin-producing cells to replace those destroyed by the autoimmune response that is a hallmark of T1D.'
'ViaCyte's innovative product is designed to deliver to patients immature pancreatic progenitor cells developed from a human embryonic stem cell (hESC) line; over time, these cells develop into mature pancreatic cells that are capable of producing pancreatic hormones, including insulin. These cells are encapsulated in a device that isolates the cells from the host but allows free flow of oxygen, nutrients, and other factors, so that the cells can respond to blood glucose and release hormones like insulin while being protected from the patient's immune system. The combination product is designated VC-01. The benefit of such a breakthrough would be the ability to provide a patient with a new source of insulin-producing cells to replace those destroyed by the autoimmune response that is a hallmark of T1D.'
terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2013
UAB researchers cure type 1 diabetes in dogs - UAB Barcelona
UAB researchers cure type 1 diabetes in dogs - UAB Barcelona
Researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), led by Fàtima Bosch, have shown for the first time that it is possible to cure diabetes in large animals with a single session of gene therapy. As published this week in Diabetes, the principal journal for research on the disease, after a single gene therapy session, the dogs recover their health and no longer show symptoms of the disease. In some cases, monitoring continued for over four years, with no recurrence of symptoms.
The therapy is minimally invasive. It consists of a single session of various injections in the animal's rear legs using simple needles that are commonly used in cosmetic treatments. These injections introduce gene therapy vectors, with a dual objective: to express the insulin gene, on the one hand, and that of glucokinase, on the other. Glucokinase is an enzyme that regulates the uptake of glucose from the blood. When both genes act simultaneously they function as a "glucose sensor", which automatically regulates the uptake of glucose from the blood, thus reducing diabetic hyperglycemia (the excess of blood sugar associated with the disease). As Fàtima Bosch, the head researcher, points out, "this study is the first to demonstrate a long-term cure for diabetes in a large animal model using gene therapy.” This same research group had already tested this type of therapy on mice, but the excellent results obtained for the first time with large animals lays the foundations for the clinical translation of this gene therapy approach to veterinary medicine and eventually to diabetic patients. The study was led by the head of the UAB's Centre for Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy (CBATEG) Fàtima Bosch, and involved the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the UAB, the Department of Medicine and Animal Surgery of the UAB, the Faculty of Veterinary Science of the UAB, the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy of the UAB, the Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM), the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (USA) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute of Philadelphia (USA).
Researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), led by Fàtima Bosch, have shown for the first time that it is possible to cure diabetes in large animals with a single session of gene therapy. As published this week in Diabetes, the principal journal for research on the disease, after a single gene therapy session, the dogs recover their health and no longer show symptoms of the disease. In some cases, monitoring continued for over four years, with no recurrence of symptoms.
The therapy is minimally invasive. It consists of a single session of various injections in the animal's rear legs using simple needles that are commonly used in cosmetic treatments. These injections introduce gene therapy vectors, with a dual objective: to express the insulin gene, on the one hand, and that of glucokinase, on the other. Glucokinase is an enzyme that regulates the uptake of glucose from the blood. When both genes act simultaneously they function as a "glucose sensor", which automatically regulates the uptake of glucose from the blood, thus reducing diabetic hyperglycemia (the excess of blood sugar associated with the disease). As Fàtima Bosch, the head researcher, points out, "this study is the first to demonstrate a long-term cure for diabetes in a large animal model using gene therapy.” This same research group had already tested this type of therapy on mice, but the excellent results obtained for the first time with large animals lays the foundations for the clinical translation of this gene therapy approach to veterinary medicine and eventually to diabetic patients. The study was led by the head of the UAB's Centre for Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy (CBATEG) Fàtima Bosch, and involved the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the UAB, the Department of Medicine and Animal Surgery of the UAB, the Faculty of Veterinary Science of the UAB, the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy of the UAB, the Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM), the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (USA) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute of Philadelphia (USA).
Medical mystery: The rise of Type 1 diabetes in infants and toddlers - ACSH
Medical mystery: The rise of Type 1 diabetes in infants and toddlers - ACSH
Health care professionals and researchers are scrambling to understand why there is a sharp increase in the number of cases reported of children with type 1 diabetes.
The new research, published in the journal Diabetes Care, updated a registry started in 1985 of Philadelphia children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. In 1985, cases of type 1 diabetes were seen at a rate of 13.4 for every 100,000 children in Philadelphia. By 2005, the rate was 17.2 cases per 100,000, amounting to an increase of 29 percent in overall cases.
The biggest increase was seen in children under age 5; for that group, researchers noted a 70 percent rise in type 1 diabetes cases.
“Why are we seeing this large increase in type 1 diabetes in very young children? Unfortunately, the answer is we don’t know,” said lead study author Terri Lipman, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.
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